Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's something you love about your spouse?

I love how my husband is quick to show affection when I'm in a bad mood. I can never stay upset when he does that. I love him so much!What's something you love about your spouse?
I love the way my hubby can't keep his hands off me and I don't just mean in a sexual way. We've been happily married almost 22 yrs and he is still a big cuddler and so am i. I love his affectionate nature.What's something you love about your spouse?
i love when my husband leaves early in the morning to go to work, then goes to the gym after and comes home very late, then at weekends messes with the bikes or spends all day in the shed until dark..........i love it when he does that
He always makes me laugh. He's sensitive to people's moods and always seems to say/do the right thing. He's a great listener.
Well, we're not married yet, but what I love is that he was willing to leave everything for me, even though I never asked him to.
right now, he's sitting across from me, staring at me, trying to get me to look up and laugh at him. i just love it when he does silly flirting like that.
That he is caring and loving.

That he is silly and will do anything to cheer me up, including dancing around in a dress or my undies!
When we still lived together - he used to make me tea in bed every morning.
He gives great, um...let's just say he is very attentive in bed

EDIT: Haha Redhead Mom, you are going to make SURE you mention the 22 years now aren't you? :)
The little things she does for me.
no spouse but he gets really nervous when I kiss him and he doesn't know what to do , just a little blushing us two!
even if we argue he still kisses me before he goes to work, and often buys me flowers his a keeper.
Ask me tomorrow :)
her ability to forgive not forget, but forgive.
um.... nothing anymore.
I love that he's my best friend.
The fact that she puts up with all my crap
her eyes, and she is a very caring person

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