Thursday, July 29, 2010

Should online flirting be a cause to break up with your spouse?

No but it should stop immediately because flirting with another man/woman is disrespectful to a spouse and marriage.Should online flirting be a cause to break up with your spouse?
Personally I would have to answer NO. Not knowing the whole situation though does make it hard to give a general answer. I feel that we use flirting to feel good about ourselves. Also I feel that flirting is innocent most of the time and usually leads to nothing.


pitstop83 in Central IllinoisShould online flirting be a cause to break up with your spouse?
It all depends on the circumstances.........was it the final straw???

Or is the first offence

Need more information...
no it is only flirting!!!!!!!
Yes, because the attention my spouse were giving to the computer to flirt online should be attention he could be giving me or his children.
No, divorce is a bitter pill for everyone to swallow. It needs to be stopped now before it moves on to something else. Get your honey's attention on you and not the internet. Hide the laptop for a month to break the habit. Let him know that you know and that he must not violate the marriage vows. Describe to each other how awful and lonely it would be to each other to look back at this as the cause of your divorce. Good luck!
i think there is a limit to what u do online when u are married or with someone.. if u have a spouse why would u flirt online with someone.. people are people and they have feelings too.. what would u do if it was the other way around..would u think its ok if he flirted with someone and say oh its ok its only an online thingie.. well i dont think its right and depending on what kind of flirting it is.. but i would sure make it clear that i am there and i demand respect.. good luck
Save the break up's for a true dilemma. Knock him on his *** and tell him to cut the crap or he can continue his flirting online in a different home.
I don't know. That answer can only be answered by the injured spouse.

I would be devastated if this happened to me. I would hope that it could be worked out, but I don't know.

Time heals, but counseling to answer why the spouse felt the need to this might be in order.
If you are immature and insecure, do you really need a reason to leave your spouse? You already have all the reasons you need!

In summary, no, it's not reason enough. It sounds like you're looking for an excuse to leave, and if this is all you have, that's pathetic.
its up to your spouse, not us.

If your spouse is deeply hurt by this and feels things won't get better, then yes... definitely grounds to divorce actually... spouses don't ';break up';
I wouldn't think so, unless your spouse is unwilling to cease these actions. Eventually, it will lead to more than just flirting if it doesn't stop now. If they are unwilling to stop doing it, then yes, it could cause a divorce.
If he will not stop doing it and he know it bothers you then yes. He should not feel the need to flirt with anyone else and if he is doing it then he does not care about for feelings. When someone does something like this it always makes the other person wonder what else will they do. It is stupid to hurt someones feelings that you are suppose to love by doing something like this. He needs to grow up.
Yes because at the end of the day he was still thinking of another person other then you in a sexual/romantic way,

and if he was chatting up another person in front of you in a bar or something you wouldn't stand for it, so why should you put up with it in your own house, I certainly wouldn't.

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