Thursday, July 29, 2010

Have you clearly told your spouse what your issue is with them?

Have you made it very clear what you would like them to change... or what you don't like... or what you want...

Or do you stew. And hope. And drop hints. And wallow in fear, hoping that time will sweep in and do the hard work of granting your wish. ???Have you clearly told your spouse what your issue is with them?
Straight forward tell him what I want and then since he is a man, I remind him and reward him when he gets it right. Men are like dogs, they will do just about anything for the right reward and generally if you don't beat them they will be loyal, although there is always a tramp in the mix that screws a good btich over!Have you clearly told your spouse what your issue is with them?
My husband told me something that I think we all need to remember last week (and we by no means have a perfect marriage) he said, I sometimes dwell upon the things that irk me with you... I nit pick your faults and point them out to you constantly, but I have faults too, I'm not perfect, and you don't do that to me. I think to myself when I get really annoyed with your habits that irritate me that maybe I should go find someone better, but then I immediately realize that that person may never let laundry back up, hangs up their towel after showers, has a better memory, but is not such a great mom, isn't such a great listener, wont be there for me whenever i need them and will have their own set of problems that are surely far worse then yours.

In other words, instead of constantly complaining about our spouses as though they are supposed to be perfect or something, and instead of ';dropping hints'; to get them to change, respect them for who they are take them for who they are, realize you're sure as heck not perfect yourself and be happy with what you have because perfection in this world only lies in imperfection.
I tell him all the time. Unfortunately, he can't hear 'cause he's dead. It sucks too 'cause I'm really mad at him for it. Ten years later. Talk about a grudge, huh?

The relationship that I have had for the last 9 or so years is amazing though. And it really is because of him. He listens and he doesn't judge. I can absolutely tell him what I want and need from him in the context of our relationship. I don't expect him to solve my problems. I don't want to get married or live together. I can grant my own wishes, in time. Fear? Oh hell no. Life's way to short to waste on game players. Open, honest, straight up. The look in your eyes and know that everything's good. I'm addicted to it.

Go find yours. Why are you wasting time?
I'm straightforward when I'm not feeling something. I haven't mastered the art of silence. If there is something clearly that is his personality and something he can not (and I will not ask) to change then I sit back and see if it's something I can deal with. If it's something I can deal with then I say nothing and move on. If I can't deal with it then I'm out.
I would get all angry for Courtney's thumbs downs, but that person isn't going to edit their answer and debate what she said because she's right. Their ego got injured, so they thumbs down and crawl away quietly. So be it...

Sometimes the women don't communicate what they want, sometimes they just don't know what they want. Most times the guy just doesn't understand or care what they want.
Dude I love some of your responses and I am in the same boat but my wife will put out at times. Check out this site and purchase this e-book This book will give tips how you should act so that she will get the hint (i do not get any money from this book it has helped my).

Hope things change for you soon.

Communicate clearly to him.

Work together on what ever issue you might have. The line of communication should always remain clear. Don't go running around the topic because that will make BOTH of you irritated and frustrated.

Its a two way road. Work with each other :)
Yes and No. Yes i wish it would sort itself out and No i haven't told him because im not ready for him to take half my S**t in the divorce
If I have an issue, I come right out with it. I dont beat around the bush and I tell him what is bothering me.

And I know I can expect the same thing from him should something be bothering him.
I would answer your question, but I'm too busy laughing at Courtney's answer. Sorry.

I wish I could give her more thumbs up....LMAO

She's right...Ask any man

Edit. right on HeyBabe...see? he knows.
I don't want him to change... I made peace with his shortcomings before we tied the knot.
I concur with Maggie.

YES i sex is my issue
Yes..and he just blows me off.
I accept my guy the way he issues....can't waste my time sweating the small stuff, y'know?

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