Thursday, July 29, 2010

What would happen if your spouse came home and demanded dinner?

And expected you to bring them a beer as well?What would happen if your spouse came home and demanded dinner?
Demand dinner back, tell him to go cook for you.... and bring you the beer and rub your feet......what an a**hole!!!What would happen if your spouse came home and demanded dinner?
Depends on the way he asked. Ask nicely and sincerely, why not? and of course if there's still time to cook + if the beer is in the fridge. If he nagged about it, then just act dumb. heh heh. tell him that u only cook when u feel loved and appreciated.
Make pasta and sauce, Hot, I mean temp. and drop it on his/her freakin' head.
I don't drink beer, but if I came home and demanded dinner, my wife would tell me to make it myself.
I'd just laugh and say ';you want a beer? Me too...get me one while you're up';.
I'd tell him where McDonald's was. Then I'd tell him to stop by the Chevron on his way home.
I'd throw the a piece of frozen meat at him and tell's your dinner..

Been there done that..right after we got married..He never done it again..
It would have already been ready, so I would dish it out and twist the cap off for him!
I better not have to demanded nothing..
I'd say ok what do you want? he doesn't like beer so I'd be surprised--I'd say go buy a beer if you want one but I'm not going to go. He doesn't demand anything but I almost always have dinner ready.
i would laugh in his face and ask him who he thinks he is. That if he wanted to eat and drink that bad that he know where the kitchen is at. My husband know not to talk to me like that cuz im the one in charge of when to cook or not.
Nothing. I do not respond to demands.
oh he would get it but not where he wanted it!
he wouldn't have to demand dinner and a beer, it would already be waiting on him.....
I would politely tell him where he can go and the shortest route there.
I'd knock him upside the head with a frying pan, grab a can of beer, shake the hell out of it and open it in his face then ask is there anything else he would like?
I would have to teach him the magic word.
I would bring it to him with a smile and a kiss. You didn't say if he continued to drink. One beer or a couple with dinner after a hard days work he's more than earned .....
They would get asked what was wrong with their arms and legs. They would either get it for themselves or go somewhere else for the service.Nobody demands anything in my house.
. should get him a beer...cook dinner...then ask him if he wants a bj.

I'd point him to the kitchen, as I finish changing my one year old dipper, and say 'I'm hungry too. Thank dear.';
Tell him to get over it you are not his slave! you are his wife. Tell him you would gladly make him dinner as it is part of the wife duties. But youll get to it when your ready!
he would starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and go thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!and not get anyfor a long long long time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you treat those you love with respect
I'd serve him or her naked lol
HA id like to see mai husband try that,

theres something called respect and men dont seem to understand the meaning.

i cook dinner for mai husband because its appreciated, the moment he begins to EXPECT it, no more. he learned im not his mom and i dont NEED to do anything for him,i do cuz i want to and he should be thankful.

im not his maid.

i married because i wanted to be in a stable relationship to have kids with someone i love, and for companionship, not to be ordered around. if i wanted someone telling me what to do or to be asking for permission to go out then i woulda stayed at home with mai parents for the rest of my life.

if he ever talls you that then just as rudely point out to him that he has hands, feet and he knows where the kitchen is.

if not im sure yu can point him towards the nearest mcdonalds...or better yet his mommas house.

DONT take crap from a man.
I would hand him the Visa and a take out menu.
if he only demand for food,i will serve him some chow but if he also wants some beer,i might just put him on HUNGER STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no guy dares drink beer in my home,if you encourage him to drink beer.The beer might soon be your rival and he might trade you for a BOTTLE OF BEER!!!!!!!!!!
2 scenarios: If I had already cooked dinner - i would laugh and tell him that he not only knows where the kitchen is, but can grab his beer when he's up.

2nd: If i didn't cook (which does happen often) - I would just laugh at him and leave the room.

My husband has respect and a sense of humor.
I would finish ironing his shirts and prepare him a nice dinner. Oh I forgot the beer, and there are no chilled glasses. I guess he'll have to kiss my ***.
Ask him if he were in the wrong house.
Absolutely nothing. I'd ignore him.

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