Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Whom do you think your children prefer more you or your spouse?

I have three little boys out of them my youngest is absoulutly obsessed with his father. He has so much seperation anxiety for my hubby where as for me I can drop him off at daycare and it's '; See ya when I see ya!'; I'm just wanderin how many other parents in my shoes.Whom do you think your children prefer more you or your spouse?
Usually kids get attached to their primary caregiver (whether that's mom or dad) but as they get a little older, they start to want the opposite parent. But I've seen exceptions, some kids being obsessed with daddy and other kids obsessed with mommy.

Both my kids were big mommy kids, except when my son came along and my husband had to take our daughter more, she became more of a daddy's girl.Whom do you think your children prefer more you or your spouse?
When I get home, my 20 month old shouts ';DADA!!!! oh mama,'; and returns to what she was doing. It irritates me a little, but then I think of the kids who don't want anything to do with thier fathers and I'm glad she loves him so much. As a mommy, they ALWAYS have the love for you, I mean, you gave birth to them! Being attached to their father is healthy and means they are well adjusted. IN a month you'll be the favorite again. They Swing!
I have had the same experience and i now realise that they go through phases when mommy is most important and the next phase daddy is most important! It used to upset me and made me feel unimportant but now i know that around the corner, they will be back to mommy... and so the cycle repeats itself. Don't worry, it's noraml child development at different ages!
I don't have children myself.. but i do work in a provate day nursery so i know waht you mean. I see it every day. It's different for everyone, sometimes i see boys crying for their dads/mums and then don't bother too much when the other drops them off etc.. Don't be worried, I'm sure he loves you all the same :)

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