Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can you Legally drink in Texas if your spouse is twenty one or older?

Actually, yes you can, as long as you are in the visible presence of your legal age spouse or parent/guardian, you may possess and consume alcohlic beverages as a minor in Texas. For those who don't believe this, here's the proof, it's a government run website, so the info is correct.


Some people incorrectly believe it is illegal for a minor to drink under any and all circumstances, but that's not true. Laws vary from state to state, but most state laws DO make some provision for minors to consume alcohol in private settings AS LONG AS it is furnished to them by a parent/guardian OR a legal age spouse and are under such person's supervison while they consume it. Texas is one of these states. if you go to the above website and click on state profiles of underage policies, you can look up state by state what specific laws say about this matter.Can you Legally drink in Texas if your spouse is twenty one or older?
Absolutely not. Only the person 21 or over has the rights to purchase or consume alcohol. Those rights aren't shared with an underage spouse. You don't get extra points for being an under aged drinker because you married. True, you might need a drink now and then (I couldn't image being married that young), but your just going to have to wait.

Someone asked this question before. If you want to check it out, go right here... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>Can you Legally drink in Texas if your spouse is twenty one or older?
Only if your last name is Bush, then you can drink, do coke and hide from the draft!
Yes, in Texas you can.
Only if you are as well.
No, only if you are 21 or over.
only if YOU are 21. but nice try
ur spouse can but if u arent 21 u cant

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