Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What does the bible say about keeping your spouse sexually satsified?

if you know, please tell where and what it says. thanks so much! the reason i want to know is my husband never wants sex and i always want it. i'd just like to know what the bible says about this, and if we should meet in the middle or if i am suppose to go on unhappy about it?What does the bible say about keeping your spouse sexually satsified?
Read 1 Corinthians 7--it basically says you are not to deprive one another (sexual relations is implied) unless you are devoting yourself to fasting and prayer, and that your bodies belong to each other.

Josh is so wrong in saying the Bible doesn't talk about sex being pleasurable but only for reproduction--I guess he has never read Song of Solomon!What does the bible say about keeping your spouse sexually satsified?
your husband must be gay. if i had a wife who wanted sex more often than me it would be heaven

the bible doesnt discuss sex as a pleasurable thing, only as a tool to concieve children. the pope wont even let catholics use condoms. if your trying to convince your husband that you need more sex, the bible probably isnt your best bet
nothing, there is nothing at all in the Bible about having sex. the notion of women being satisfied sexually is a very new one that didn't come to light till after the Kinsey report. I think you should talk to your husband and let him know you feel, what's the worst that could happen.
it does say in the new testament (i think it was paul) that you're not supposed to withhold sex from one another. sorry i dont know the verse off the top of my head, but it's one of the sections where he talks about marriage and stuff. there's a few of them.
Well, I cannot recall exactly, but in several places the Bible does mention sex. The Song of Solomon is a love story. Also mentioned are God's wishes that believers do not withhold children from His Kingdom (and how do we get children???) and that children are a blessing. And what other posters have said.
Husband not normal if he never wants sex...no offense.
';And so the day came to pass that a decree went out. And it spake of keeping thy spouse satisfied in all manner of sexual ways. In any form and at any time by thy use of battery operated devices, latex products and manual stimulation. Surely thy watching pornography is permissible and was deemed not to be a sin.

But yea, there were those who believed otherwise and felt that watching such and touching thyself in an impure manner was indeed a sin. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.';

Larry Flint in a letter to the Corinthians
I am sorry I don't know exactly where it is; but I think that St. Paul wrote something along the lines of : ';Husbands, respect and take care of your wives as Jesus takes care of His Church...and Wives, respect your husbands...';

Why don't you Google it?

There must be information you can use...Or ask your pastor or priest about it. Good luck.

Sex is a wonderful gift from God, but many people misuse it or abuse it.

BTW....Big Daddy's answer made me laugh so much!!!

How witty !!!
He might be cheating on you if he don't want sex with you anymore. You should get a back bone and ask him why hes not wanting it anymore.
Maybe he is getting sex in different ways... Not to make you upset or anything, but that is usually the case.

I don't know about the 2nd testament Bible, but in the Torah, it doesn't say anything.

And why would you want to consult the Bible on sex advice? Ewww.
to be honest with you, you should get a bible and go to songs of songs and it might help you with your problems...
I don't know what the bible says but I don't think anyone should go without and it is the responsibility of the other spouse to insure that they make the other one happy, even when they don't want to.

Your hubby has libido issues and should see a doc because it could be medical. Is he overweight, high blood pressure, stressed, etc.? Or have him smoke a bowl of weed! It will relax him and get him worked up.

Your husband has what most men want, that is a wife who wants sex. You're a cool chick, keep it up and get him to a doc.
nada, zip, zilch, zero, nothing
sex is to be use to make children only is what it's purpose is for !!! And why don't u look up what the Bible says instead of ridiculing others answers ?? Don't have 1? Go to the library !! Go to wal-mart get a real nice 1 for $10 !! QUit being hateful !:)d
1 corinthians 7:3-5 talks about how men and women are suppose to have sex with one another as long as it does not interfering with his time (God) but verse 6 says that he speaks this with permission and that is not a commandment
1 Corinthians 7:3 (NKJV) Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.

The word ';affection'; is the Greek word eunoia, which mean: ';kindness; conjugal duty, benevolence, good will';. And the word ';due'; is opheilo, which means: ';to owe; fig. to be under obligation (ought, must, should); be bound.';

Listen carefully believers; When you get married, you become obligated to meet the physical needs of your spouse. Marriage is no place for celibacy. You are not more spiritual if you abstain from sex in your marriage; you are, in fact in sin.

What this verse clearly teaches is that the responsibility of the husband is to pay what he owes to his wife. And the responsibility of the wife is to pay what she owes to her husband. She is to pay her debt. Almost all marriage problems can be traced to this cause. This commandment is not obeyed by many husbands and wives.

What is the duty of the husband? Paul tells us very plainly in:

Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV) ';Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,';

The general obligation is that I am to pay to my spouse what I owe them. I am to fulfill my duty as a spouse. Now there is a specific obligation, and it is found in verses:

1 Corinthians 7:4-5 (NKJV) The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Our obligation is stated very simply, it is given to us in the first phrase of verse 5. ';Do not deprive one another';, the word ';deprive'; is the Greek word, apostereo, which is a compound verb that comes from ';apo,';which means: ';from,'; and ';stereo'; which means: ';to deprive, or keep back.'; The compound word means to deprive another of what belongs to him or her. The verb ';deprive'; is in the present tense and could be translated ';Stop depriving one another.'; The object is the body which belongs to the spouse in the marital union. What Paul is saying is that you do not have the right to deprive your marriage partner of their conjugal rights. You do not have the right to deprive them of their rights within a physical relationship in marriage. It is not enough for us to say that sex is a marital privilege. It is that, but it is also a sacred responsibility, it is a debt that we owe.

When you are single, you do have authority over your own body, you decide how to use it. Keeping in mind it is God's temple. But once you are married, the right of authority is given over to the marriage partner. When you entered marriage, you forfeited your right to exercise authority over your own body. Thus, it is a sin to sexually reject your marriage partner.
Read the Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and the New Testament does address it. Paul says not to withhold intimacy from each other least the other become tempted beyond his/her control. Proverbs has alot to say about sexual temptation. Lots of it in there.
Oh my gosh you sound just like me, I'm not sure. But when you find out will you let me know? Thanks.
A wife who wants sex all the time.

I think the Bible refers to that as a ';Miracle';

Praise the Lord
1 Corinthians 7: 1-7

Proverbs 5: 18-20

i believe the answer of Paul from another answerer was referring to a letter from Paul to the Corinthians in;

1 Corinthians 11: 2-16

hope these help.
Only men are supposed to be satisfied. That's what it says.
I Corinthians 7:2-5

2 nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

4The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband:and likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body, but the wife.

5 Defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a ';short'; time ..........and come together again that satan tempt you not for your inconsistency.
In the book of I Corinthians 7:3, the Bible says that we should 'Defraud ye not one the other except it be consent for a time...'. Basically, it goes on to say that we should not 'with hold' from each other lest we fall into temptation. I'm sure ya'll can work out a 'happy medium' tho.

Best wishes and God bless!
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